Artist Application Form
Make Money without the Hassle!

I used to sell my art at farmer’s markets and art shows. At least once a month I would pack up my creations, get up extremally early, and set up my tent and art for the day. Selling on Etsy wasn’t making me any money with the costs of shipping, and I hated paying vender fees and then hauling all of my works different places. Each time I packed up my art and moved it, I risked damaging a piece. Then I was recommended to two different places to sell my art at their store. I began selling at Sip and Send and Cape Coral Remade. I found how much easier it was, and I was finally making money throughout the whole year! If I wanted a little extra money, I held a art class. I did have to volunteer 30 hours a month at Remade, and it was really hard since I worked a full-time job. Weekends were the only time I could work, but I learned a lot, and I found a family that supported me in every way. We want to do that for you, and make it even easier to find times that work for you.
My name is Stacey Sawyer. Pineapple Picasso was born from my sister’s love of pineapples. She passed away in 2018 from Multiple Myeloma at the age of 47. My grief was unbearable, but I found that creating art made me feel so much better. It became my therapy. Eventually, I gave myself the name of Pineapple Beach Creations for my sister’s love of pineapples and the beach. I entered a few shows and ended up in a couple of stores. In 2022, I came up with a business plan and changed my name to Pineapple Picasso. I quit my 30 year teaching career and opened Pineapple Picasso in June of 2023 . We offer local art from multiple artists, art classes, the very popular Splatter Spot, and Passion Prints. The Splatter Spot is two large black light rooms with lights and music. Patrons shoot, squirt, and blast blacklight paint at each other and a canvas while donned in a poncho, goggles, and shoe covers. This concept help drive more people in the store that might not have stopped in. Passion Prints is couple’s art. Patrons are given disposable undergarments, a large specially treated 3 foot by 4 foot canvas, and body paint to create their own masterpiece.
- Artist Mission Statement: We aim to encourage and support artists in their goals to become their own entrepreneurs by building an outlet to promote and sell their creations. We will enhance lives through excitement, inspiration, creativity, and self-expression while making art and offering excellent customer service.
- Artist Obligations – Interested in becoming an artist to sell your creations? Artists receive a 70/30 percent split (70% to you, 30% to the store) of their sales as long as they work 20 hours a month. If the 20 hour requirement is not met, it is a 50/50 percent split for artist’s creations. We only take on artists that are willing to work in the store. Art Classes are where you can make the most money. You don’t have to do them, but if you choose, we only keep $10 for each participant, and the rest goes to you! If this scares you, don’t worry, I was a teacher for 30 years, and I will help you every step of the way until you are comfortable. Store hours are 10am-6pm Tuesday through Friday. 10am-7pm Saturdays. 12pm-5pm Sundays. Weekends are double time for your required hours. So, if you work 5 hours on a Saturday, it actually equals to 10 hours. Artists are paid out once a month near the 10th of the month. Still interested? Sign up below to become part of our Pineapple Picasso family!
- Artists we are looking for: We are searching for those who want to be part of a close knit of artists. Must have an enthusiastic personality. We want to encourage each other to be the best we can be, and I will be your biggest cheerleader. Customers come to our store to have fun, and we aim to make it that way for them. We are looking for artists that create anything out of the ordinary that we don’t already have in the store. We do not want store bought art. It must be original.
So, you want to become a Pineapple Picasso Artist?
To retain 70% of your sales (30% stays with the store) from your creations…
1. You must be accepted by the owner.
2. You must work 20 hours in the store a month (Saturdays and Sundays are double time)
3. You may price your art however you like (I will help you with this).
4. You are encouraged to teach classes, but it is not required. You may charge whatever you like for your class. $10 from each of your participants stays with the store, and you get to keep the rest. You must be with the store for a period of 30 days before you can do a class. This is also at the discretion of the owner.
If you do not meet your obligations for the month, you will split the sale of your art 50/50 with the store. We do not keep artists who cannot fulfill their hours, but you can bank hours ahead of time.
*The owner does reserve the right to cancel any and all artist applications